Receive product knowledge and proficiency with specialized training solutions that ensure thorough understanding and effective usage.
100 000+ of learners have been educated with help of EducateMe
Make product training courses with different content types - videos, quizzes, interactive lessons.
Get detailed reports to measure your product training and improve future courses.
Boost product training with interactive tools - quizzes, hands-on activities, peer reviews.
Brand your product training platform with custom branding: logo, color, fonts, domain, custom emails and specific learning paths.
An LMS gives product training a structured and interactive space for learners. You can create detailed modules with videos, simulations and quizzes so learners can get to know the product features and functions inside out. The LMS also tracks progress in real time and gives you analytics so you can see where learners are struggling and adjust the content accordingly. So all users are informed and confident with the product.
With an LMS you can create full and interactive training modules so learners can really get to know the product features and functionality. Real time tracking and analytics to see progress and knowledge gaps. Scalable and consistent training delivery so all users get the same training. Better product usage and customer satisfaction.
A good LMS for product training should have video and simulation support, quizzes and assessments, real time progress tracking and customizable training paths for different learning needs and levels. It should have detailed analytics to track learner performance and identify areas to improve.
An LMS helps with product launch training by being a one-stop place for all training content around the new product. You can build training modules with videos, simulations and quizzes. It tracks and analyzes learning in real-time so you can see who needs more help. All employees or customers will be product ready.